The Quixote Cookbook provides a set of small recipes and tips for using Quixote.
General web interactions
SettingCookies -- Set cookies
ReadingCookies -- Read cookies
DeletingCookies -- Delete cookies
BrowserRedirection -- Redirecting the client to different URLs
ReadingEnvVars -- Reading environment variables
ReadingFormVars -- Reading form variables
ReadingConfigVars -- Reading configuration variables
XmlRpcInterface -- Providing an XML-RPC interface
SoapInterface -- Providing a SOAP interface
BrowserDetection -- Examining the characteristics of the HTTP client
StreamingOutput -- Sending large amounts of output to the browser
CompressingOutput -- Saving bandwidth by providing compressed HTTP output
CheckingForCookieSupport -- Verifying that the client supports cookies
- Profiling HTTP requests
IllegalPythonNames -- Getting around the Python-URI legal names mismatch
XmlHttpUsingJsolait -- A demo of an Ajax (XMLHttp) based interface
AjaxWithMochikit -- Retrieving and displaying database data asynchronously with AJAX
ExtDirectory -- nicer URLs with Quixote
ReturningDirectoryInstances -- How to write methods that return Directory instances
ChangeOutputCharset -- How to config output charset
UsingSessions -- Setting a unique ID for users
StoringSessionsInDatabase -- Using a database to store sessions
- Creating session-specific URLs
HttpBasicAuthentication - Using HTTP basic authentication
PTL/EscapingText -- escaping special characters in text making links
UsingPTLForTemplating -- PTL without Quixote.
SimpleTemplate -- solution recipe for 'dumb' templating
TemplatingWithZpt -- using Zope Page Templates under Quixote
QuixoteAndSimpleTal -- helper code for using TAL templates.
- Nevow
Error handling
ExceptionEmail -- Having errors sent to you
HidingExceptions -- Providing an error page for the user
- Logging debugging output
- Validating user input
- Multiple options
- Indicating errors
CustomFormRendering -- Customizing the appearance of a form
- Recording hidden fields
- Multi-page forms
Varying forms with OptionSelect
UploadingFiles -- Processing uploaded files
Form2 Framework
Form2 GettingStarted -- a simple example
Design Patterns
UrlAsInterface -- Design your application's URLs carefully.
SeparateDomainObjectsAndInterface -- Don't mix domain logic with HTML rendering and other webbish details.
LongRunningProcesses -- Starting lengthy tasks from a Quixote handler
StaticDirectory, StaticFile: Returning files (images, PDF, CSS) from the filesystem
Creating images with PIL
Creating PDF with ReportLab
- Creating graphs with Chaco
Creating PostScript documents
- Listing available locales
- Choosing a locale
- Localizing messages
- Localizing dates/times
- Localizing currency
Server-related tasks
RejectUnwantedRequests -- How to ignore unwanted/illegal requests when running as a Medusa server.
Tips for running QuixoteAndMedusaAsWin32Service. (Needs the service info added. I'm not familiar with that part.)
GettingFastCgiToWork : Specifically with the demo.
ScgiConfiguration : Common pitfalls with SCGI (especially mod_scgi on Apache)
LighttpdScgi: How to use Quixote with Lighttpd
IIS: How to use Quixote with IIS
qxserver: A simple server using quixote.server
StandaloneApp -- Writing a standalone application
- Sending an e-mail message
- Sending MIME e-mail
ReusingConnections -- Reusing database connections, proxies, and other resources.
DulcineaCookbook -- tips for using site management tools and ready-made classes in Dulcinea
Moellus -- a rich and soft layer on Durus. Simplifies usage of the Durus object db, as well as combines advantages inherent to an object db with some that are more typical of relational db, such as indices and querying capabilities.