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You want to be able to refer to an image (or other kind of) static file in your generated HTML files.


Expose a single file with the following steps:

  1. Declare a variable as an instance of class StaticFile.

  2. Export the variable in _q_exports.

Here is an example:

   1 _q_exports = ["my_image_file", ...]
   3 from quixote.util import StaticFile
   5 my_image_file = StaticFile("/Quixote/myapp/images/pyfav.gif", mime_type="application/gif")

Now you can generate HTML code that looks like the following:

<img src="my_image_file" alt="bad icon"/>

Which tells Quixote to look for the file pyfav.gif in the directory /Quixote/myapp/images/.

The StaticFile constructor also responds to the following keyword arguments:


StaticFile exposes a single file. To expose all the files in a directory, use StaticDirectory instead.

Files with Extensions

One common problem is trying to serve files with file extensions. Python looks for the extension in a module named after the filename, which doesn't exist.

_q_exports can explicitly provide an external name that's different from the internal name:

   1 _q_exports = [("favicon.ico", "favicon_ico")]
   2 #              ^^ external     ^^ internal name
   4 path = os.path.join("/path/to/files", "favicon.ico")
   5 favicon_ico = StaticFile(path, mime_type="image/x-icon")

CategoryCookbook CategoryQuixote1

2010-09-22 22:14