Extended Directory
Thanks to the flexible structure of Quixote 2; easily, we are able to make our own Directory.
Let me present ExtDirectory that will bring you more flexibility.
In few words:
This Directory allows you to have several component parameters (fe http://localhost/calendar/2005/07/20). Than, 2005, 07 and 20 will be mapped respectively to year, month, day
You can always add standard parameters (fe http://localhost/calendar/2005/07/20?action=edit)
How it works
ExtDirectory search (from left to right) within the url until he find a python object/method. Once found, he will assign all remaining elements of the url (components and paramters) to the python object/method.
That means that you can add paramters to you standard Python methods or (for objects) to your _q_lookup method.
Thanks to Python, we can imagine to have optional components. For that look at the example here under : TestDir._q_lookup() *
The code
Requirements: Quixote-2.0
1 from quixote.directory import Directory
2 from quixote.errors import TraversalError
4 class ExtDirectory(Directory):
5 def _q_traverse(self, path):
6 assert len(path) > 0
7 component = path[0]
8 path = path[1:]
9 name = self._q_translate(component)
10 if name is not None:
11 obj = getattr(self, name)
12 if not hasattr(obj,'_q_exports'):
13 if path: return obj(*path)
14 else: return obj()
15 else:
16 return obj._q_traverse(path)
17 else:
18 obj = self._q_lookup(component,*path)
19 if obj:
20 return obj
21 if obj is None:
22 raise TraversalError(private_msg=('directory %r has no component '
23 '%r' % (self, component)))
Some examples
1 import quixote
3 from quixote.publish import Publisher
4 from quixote.server.simple_server import run
6 from quixote.directory import Directory
7 from quixote.errors import TraversalError
9 """
10 I've try it the following url
11 http://localhost:8080/other/
12 http://localhost:8080/other/hello
13 http://localhost:8080/other/hello?msg=hello
14 http://localhost:8080/other/test2/
15 http://localhost:8080/other/test2/1/2
16 http://localhost:8080/other/test2/1/2/
17 http://localhost:8080/other/test2/1/2/3
18 http://localhost:8080/other/test2/test
19 http://localhost:8080/other/test2/test/1
20 http://localhost:8080/other/test2/test/1?msg=hello
21 http://localhost:8080/other/test2/test?msg=hello
23 all works and provide expected result
25 """
28 class ExtDirectory(Directory):
29 def _q_traverse(self, path):
30 assert len(path) > 0
31 component = path[0]
32 path = path[1:]
33 name = self._q_translate(component)
34 if name is not None:
35 obj = getattr(self, name)
36 if not hasattr(obj,'_q_exports'):
37 if path: return obj(*path)
38 else: return obj()
39 else:
40 return obj._q_traverse(path)
41 else:
42 obj = self._q_lookup(component,*path)
43 if obj:
44 return obj
45 if obj is None:
46 raise TraversalError(private_msg=('directory %r has no component '
47 '%r' % (self, component)))
50 class RootDir(ExtDirectory):
51 pass
53 class TestDir(ExtDirectory):
54 _q_exports= ['test']
55 def test(self,var1=None):
56 msg=quixote.get_field('msg',None)
57 return "test ok",var1,msg
58 def _q_lookup(self,var1,var2=None,var3=None):
59 return "_q_lookup",var1,var2,var3
60 class OtherDir(ExtDirectory):
61 _q_exports=['','hello']
62 def _q_index(self):
63 return "other index"
64 def hello(self):
65 msg=quixote.get_field('msg',None)
66 return "other hello",msg
68 def create_publisher():
69 root=RootDir()
70 root._q_exports.append('other')
71 root.other=OtherDir()
72 root.other._q_exports.append('test2')
73 root.other.test2=TestDir()
74 pub=Publisher(root)
75 return pub
77 if __name__=="__main__":
78 run(create_publisher,host='localhost',port=8080)
Feel free to post your adaptation/comments/...
Or to contact me at: vincent_delft (at) yahoo.com.