Starting with Quixote 0.6, it's possible to write multi-threaded Quixote applications. In previous versions, Quixote stored the current HTTPRequest object in a global variable, meaning that processing multiple requests in the same process simultaneously was impossible.
However, the Publisher class as shipped still can't handle multiple simultaneous requests; you'll need to subclass Publisher to make it re-entrant. Here's a starting point:
import thread from quixote.publish import Publisher [...] class ThreadedPublisher (Publisher): def __init__ (self, root_namespace, config=None): Publisher.__init__(self, root_namespace, config) self._request_dict = {} def _set_request(self, request): self._request_dict[thread.get_ident()] = request def _clear_request(self): try: del self._request_dict[thread.get_ident()] except KeyError: pass def get_request(self): return self._request_dict.get(thread.get_ident())
Using ThreadedPublisher, you now have one current request per thread, rather than one for the entire process.